Mike and I have been talking about blogging. He says that he can't keep up with mine because I am so prolific. He only updates his about once a week. In his blog, he rants about what he thinks is wrong in society, and about politics, human rights, and talks about the latest book he is reading or movie he feels is important to see. He often talks about censorship. His father was a writer, and very concerned about censorship, so I think it is in his blood. I talk about things that are important to me, like new furniture, cooking, and knitting. It is important to write what we want to write.
Maybe reading a blog is like reading a diary, but I believe it is like reading a conversation. It is a conversation with that person about what is important to them. Or a mini-newsletter. Whatever it is, it has been fun for me to just write about what I am thinking about. And it is not my diary or my journal. It is my hope to make my blog enjoyable, even if what I write about is furniture.
We went to visit the china cabinet at the big store again last night. George and I have now been there three times and this was Michael's second time. He brought a book and found a comfortable leather chair. The short of it is, no pun intended, that the china case as it stands is 3" too high for our alcove. I had given up when the salesman said that the legs could be either taken off, or shortened by a furniture maker, and that it would fit perfectly. George and the salesman laid on the floor of the showroom to check everything out. I would really love to have this china cabinet, but I know that George is very smart about such things, and I would not dream of just begging. Even though I kind of wanted to. After about 10 minutes of this, and with a lot of discussion, George decided that we would "come back". I was a bit disappointed, I'll admit, but I knew that he had a reason, I just didn't know what it was. I didn't think it was money, but $1900 for a china cabinet is not to be sneezed at either.
I asked him later in the car when we had a minute alone together while Michael went to see if they had a new keyboard for me at Circuit City. George said that before we start talking about taking the legs off, he wanted to ask the manufacturer if they had another suggestion. The legs are nice, and taking them completely off would mean that the bottom of the cabinet was right on the floor. The option of sawing them off shorter is something that we want a second or third opinion on.
Gosh I hope I am not boring you to DEATH with all this. I do believe we will get a china cabinet. I do believe that we will have it in time for the Christmas party here on December 11th, and I do believe that it is going to be beautiful in the room and a place to display my lovely antique Noritake china. And I do believe that the Red Sox will win the World Series. Oh, they did.
And I do believe that I wish you all the very best Thanksgiving holiday and I'll be back soon.