This morning, barely awake, George called me to the upstairs bathroom window. There in the neighbors yard, venturing into our yard were three wild turkeys--big ones--and 16 baby wild turkeys. I could NOT believe my eyes! We have never seen turkeys around here before. The neighboring house is just being built, and there is a small woods next door to that, and that must be where they live. Incredible! What a sight.
We went out on the deck to take a picture, but they must have caught wind of us, because they ambled off into the woods. For awhile, they were taking dust baths, and George said that someone large has laid in the orange impatien bed, someone large like a big turkey. We think they were in our yard early this morning eating the bird seed that has fallen under the feeders, and probably taking a drink in our bird baths, which are very popular indeed.
I wouldn't have believed there would be 19 turkeys. 19!! If all 16 babies get big and stay in our neighborhood---the mind boggles. George...get more bird seed!!!
Oh my gosh. Have a great day. Gobble gobble.