George and I were given a pair of Motorolla walkie talkies for Christmas one year. We keep them in the center glove compartment of his car and use them when we are separated at a mall, or when we go to the airport and someone stays with the car. A few months ago, we used them in New Hampshire, and when we got organized from that trip, we never found one of the walkie talkies. I was pretty sure I was the one who had lost it, but I couldn't even remember where we used them last, much less where I might have left it. We finally broke down a week ago and bought another pair of them at Target for $45.00. The new ones were not so nice as the old ones.
Today I was upstairs in the spare bedroom starting to lay some things out for packing for our trip to the cabin. I noticed a half empty box on a shelf and my curiosity got the better of me. As I went through that box, I saw a shopping bag of yarn and projects that I hadn't looked at in a long time, and I decided to look for yarn projects I might want to work on. There in the side of the bag, nestled in sock yarn, was the long lost walkie talkie! Woohoo. I was amazed. George is amazed and very happy too. We haven't taken the other ones out of the box, they are still in the bag in the car with the receipt, so we will take them back and get our $45 back.
One good thing. I have a funny thing that I used to do. When and if I ever had a bad day or felt bad about something, I would go to the bathroom, shut the door, and make myself think of 8 good things that were happening in my life. By the time you think of those 8 good things...whatever is bothering you bothers you a lot less. Finding the walkie talkie will be put on the list of good things.
We are ushers at church this morning. Attendance will be low because of the 4th of July, and it is a nice cool morning so the church will not be hot. Oh...another good thing for my list.
Have a great day.