I planted Martha Stewart giant green zinnias in front of the tomatoes. I bought the seeds at KMart and we patiently waited until they grew and the buds were just coming out. I was excited to see what green zinnias would look like. They are planted in front of the tomatoes, fenced in, and safe...I thought.
Night before last Mr. Chuck the Woodchuck ate all my zinnias for a salad. I am very mad at that little fellow. We talked about putting more fox urine in vials around the garden last weekend, but didn't get to it. I'm sorry we didn't. My zinnias are stripped of flowers, buds and leaves, with only the one foot stalk left standing as a tribute to hungry wildlife.
Last year, Chuck came up onto the deck and ate a whole pot of zinnias, so I knew we were living on the edge with these. I took a gamble. I lost. Chuckie won.
Have a good day.