I have now made a complete mess of the diningroom, turning it into a photo studio for my listings on Ebay. It took many hours to get pictures of five pairs of earrings and get them listed on Ebay. They are availale at YvonneShea.com if you want to visit there. This was quite a production, and I have a lot more respect for the lighting engineers on movies, and photographers. Getting the sparkle and light from my earring is very difficult, and I'm not sure I succeeded, but I will get better as I go. Like anything, practice makes perfect. They always say on Ebay that the picture is the important part of the listing.
I've been working on this for two hours this morning and am ready to call it a day for Ebay I think. But, it is an accomplishment to get started with my Ebay business and something I have been talking about doing for a long time.
Saturday is here and I'm going to go out an enjoy it. I hope you do too. Have a great day!