Thursday, December 16, 2004

Packages in the mail! eeek

Every year the same thing happens to me. I fall behind getting my presents wrapped and mailed to my relatives in Oklahoma. This year, I sent some children's clothing in a box, and let my mom look at it to check sizes. It is all right, and she will wrap it there. This morning, I realized that her presents still need to be wrapped and mailed. Put the breaks on whatever other project I had planned for tonight and make plans to have a wrapping session tonight. My list gets longer, and the priorities rise like bubbles in a lava lamp.

One year I learned a hard lesson. I had two boxes of wrapped gifts, and I procrasticated so long that I had to go to a mailing service to help me. It cost almost $60 to mail the things. Never again. This year I will mail her presents tomorrow morning, and she will get them in time.

Great news! I found the yarn I needed to finish Michael's afghan yesterday at a hobby store called Michael's (aptly named) near my office. I made a special trip at lunchtime, and lo, they had three skeins of the color I needed, underneath a bunch of skeins that were missing their lables and of the wrong color. If you haven't noticed, yarn is a mess in stores these days, unraveled and picked through. Having all these new knitters is good, but I don't think they have learned to respect the yarn yet. Anyway, I was flabbergasted at my luck, since I had found out that that color was discontinued, and went whistling up to the counter to wait in line with a happy face on. In the excitement of the moment, I bought some other stuff to make the Christmas celebration around here even nicer. Ribbon for a centerpiece, a new basket lined with knitted red wool that I couldn't pass up, (I'm using it for Christmas cards) and some evergreen for an arrangement on the diningroom table.

The white scarf that I need to send my mother for her friend is almost finished, thanks to a long church council meeting on Tuesday, when I knitted all the way through it. The meeting was doubly productive that way. It was my last meeting as a council member for six years, and the Pastor gave me a lovely icon from the early church showing the Pentecost, with the Spirit showing in flames on their heads. He said it was indicative of the "spirit" which I bring to everything I do. Now, that is a very nice compliment. I hope that is true.

Have a wonderful day my friends, and keep those To Do lists under control!