This is my first season playing in the bell choir and some days it is a bit tricky. Today was one of those days. In a medley of tunes, there was a change in tempo and I had a "lead off" of three notes leading to Away in the Manger. I looked at the choir director for my cue, never got it, and missed my notes. Luckily the others just continued without me, and I caught up at another measure. I played those three important notes perfectly every time at rehearsals but not this morning when it counted. Darn! Everyone is very nice about the bell choir, and no one would ever say anything about our boo boos. We all consider this a work in progress, and we learn, laugh and go on to the next thing. After church, we had a short rehearsal for carols we will play at the late service on Christmas Eve. We all decided to play the easy ones, so we could just have fun that night and not have any worries.
Today is cookie baking day, but football seems to be an item on the agenda as well. Actually, my goal is to get all the loose threads on Mike's afghan woven in, and start putting it together this evening. I have 30 squares and will lay out the pattern on the floor. It feels like I'm on the back stretch of afghan race.
I'm trying not to get overly stressed about all that is left to do. I have some packages to wrap today that George is taking to his son's house tomorrow while I am at a late meeting at work. I think the Gingerbread House is going to have to stay on the list of things better left to next year. Gingerbread men cookies seem like a good substitute. Luckily for me, George is a great cookie baker!
Have a cheerful pre-Christmas day.