An arctic chill has arrived this morning I am nervous about the roads going to work. The sander was already on our street, and we are on a dead end street, so hopefully that means they've learned from their past mistakes and the buses will no longer be sliding sideways down our hill.
I will be home late from work tonight, but then I can start on the assembly of the afghan. It took over four hours yesterday to weave the ends in the last of the pieces, but I stuck with it and got it done. We counted and labeled the blocks and made a "pattern" on a scrap of newspaper (which I can't find right now, but will, I'm sure.) We also baked chocolate chip and sugar cookies last night and took a plate of warm sugar cookies to our neighbors who watch Thunder when we go on vacation.
George is off to work early with the wrapped gifts for his dinner tonight, and at 6 this morning, the house was a bustle of activity looking for things. Time to take a breather and think about what the Christmas season is all about. Today is the last day for Christmas cards they say on TV this morning, so I have three of them that need to go out right away. We don't send a lot of cards anymore and I don't think very many people send them either. That seems to be a Christmas tradition that has gone by the wayside.
In the massive cleanup for the party, I have mislaid my small red address book, and today George was in the basement retrieving his "junk" box (full of important stuff) that he normally keeps on top of the microwave. Moving stuff for parties is deadly, since you sometimes never see it again.
Have a good Monday and if you are sliding around on the ice somewhere, be careful. If you are sitting under a palm tree in a tropical breeze....I don't want to think about it.