Monday, October 02, 2006

Simple Things

I hate to admit how tired I am after a long flight home, a very busy weekend trying to catch up, and a busy morning at church on Sunday. I also have a backache which I think is the result of being curled up in a small airplane seat for eight hours on Thursday. I will get better, and I look forward to it.

Today I am concentrating on the little excitements of everyday life: a nice cup of white tea (my new favorite), a little crocheting on my new poncho (pictured) and some catching up on letters and paperwork. The little things seem more fun to do when you come home from a trip. I am enjoying having a fast computer ready at all times, and enjoying having the time to design and plan and execute my jewelry ideas. Unpacking is my least favorite thing to do. Possibly because I always overpack, and taking out clothing that I never wore on the trip is a reminder of how silly I can be. Oh well, silly is not the worst thing.

Have a great day.