I had a reminder today of something that I truly believe--people are nice. I was going into the post office, like I do almost every day, and a big yellow truck was on the narrow street in front of the post office, and he was in a great hurry. His bigness made him unique on that little street, and his horn made him loud. A lady was crossing the street with her kids. The trucker was a little peeved at having to wait. His time was important. Ours wasn't. He, and his big yellow truck stood out in the crowd. His impatience and rudeness made him unique.
I am usually amazed at how nice people are. Every day, at the post office, grocery store, department stores, everywhere...people hold the door for me and smile. It seems to me that we all know we are all in this together, and we might as well be nice about it. Every day I have cars wait for me until I make my left turn in front of them. Every day I meet strangers who smile and say hello. Sometimes when we hear the news, we hear all the bad stuff about people--the killings, kidnappings, the lack of moral values. I have begun to censor what information I listen to. It seems to me that life is short, and that hearing everything the TV has to say is TMDI...too much depressing information. Every day I meet people who are nice, and polite, and would come to my aid if I had to ask for something.
The truth is that these small random acts of kindness aren't news.
Have a good day.