Yesterday I spent about an hour trying to learn how to crochet the lace pattern on the bottom of my poncho. I do not know how to read a crochet pattern since I am a knitter at heart. But, having no one around here to teach me, I just had to do it myself. The internet is a wonderful thing. Lion Brand yarn had a "how to" site on this specific poncho, which is called the "Coming Home Poncho", since it was popularized when Martha Stewart wore one similar the day she left prison. A friend she met in prison made it for her, and I kept thinking that if that lady in prison could do it...I could do it! I was also secretly grateful that I was not sitting in prison somewhere crocheting.
I had a long tail of yarn, and sat at my computer struggling through learning this pattern, ripping out everything at least 20 times. The yarn was getting rather ragged and so were my nerves. But, by looking at the picture diagram, I got the idea of what they were talking about, and I slowly worked through the four rows of lace that finish this poncho. Hurray for me. Learning something new is a good thing. If we all learned one new thing ever day, we would be doing good.
My mother exercises her mind by reading hard books, or looking up words, or trying to do puzzles that work her brain. She says everyone's brain needs exercise. She is always right.
The next poncho is going to go a lot easier. I'm still not sure that I followed the lace pattern exactly as it is written, but, the poncho is wearable and who knows...maybe I can find a new friend who knows how to crochet.
Have a great day!