It is Friday, the 13th. I refuse to believe in these old superstitions. Maybe it is because I have a black cat living across the street that crosses my path about three times a day. I figure, if they won't let me believe in Santa Claus anymore, then I don't have to believe in their darn black cat Friday the 13th superstitions.
Halloween is not my favorite holiday. As a child I hated it. I was afraid. The doorbell would ring, and we were expected to have fun answering to some unknown ghoulish looking thing. Are you kidding? That is fun? I like things to be sweetness and light. I'm so terrified when I watch a horror movie, I might as well quit, because I have my hands over my eyes and my fingers in my ears the whole time trying to block out the scary music. I'm even scared of the music!
Halloween decorations aren't even pretty. Orange and black isn't a great color combination, and there is a reason people only use that combination on Halloween--it is too ugly to use the rest of the year. Add to that the idea the children are expected to go out and trick or treat, and get a bag or bucket full of candy, and then NOT eat it! My mother was death to chocolate. She refused to let us have chocolates in the house, and when they came into the house for some reason, she hid them in the closet until they were old and moldy and had to be thrown out. So...why bother with collecting all that candy if your mom is going to threaten you with sin if you eat it?
When I was a little girl, I hated to go trick or treating. One year, when I was about five, I succumbed to the pressure to go out around the block. It was cold that night, and I insisted on dressing in my little pink hoop skirt ballerina outfit with the little sequin tiara. No coat, just me in my little sweet ballerina dress. Scary? Not. Anyway, I got about four houses away on this dark and cold night, and RAN back home crying. I was cold. I was scared. I hated Halloween! And I don't believe I ever went trick or treating again.
People in New England go all out with the orange and black. Lawns and doorways are decorated with ghouls and spiderwebs. They start decorating with these awful colors in September, and we have to look at it for two months. Who thinks that fake cobwebs and cheap paper witches are a nice addition to a home? Not me. I just don't get it. Halloween can go the way of the black cats...and stay across the street!
Have a great Friday the 13th!