I finished this necklace last night, and put a jade pendant stone on one of the crocheted chains. As it happened, the jade hangs longer than I think it should and I'm faced with the choice of wearing it this way or cutting it all apart and starting again. All that would be lost is about 10 yards of wire. I guess I will cut it. But I thought I would put a picture of it here on my blog for posterity. It is my first dud. A design flaw that just doesn't seem right. In knitting, they say that good rippers make good knitters. In my life I have ripped a lot of rows of knitting. So now it is my turn to rip into the wire with my scissors and start again.
We are expecting an overnight guest to arrive this evening and the candles are lit and George is making his delicious oatmeal cookies with apricots, raisins and cinnamon chips. They really are good and the aroma fills the house.
Have a good evening.