I used to think that spending money on water was the height of foolishness. Some folks I know well would still agree with that. But now I am a water snob too. The cheap stuff has no appeal for me anymore. I especially do not like Dannon water, which is owned by Coke, and which tastes worse than tap water. I'll drink it in a pinch, but...it does not "float" my boat like really good water does.
I am positive that drinking lots of water every day helps me lose weight. But I drink water for all kinds of reasons. When I visit my mother in Oklahoma, bottled water is a priority. The water in her town has been tested to be "safe" so they say, but every once in awhile, they are told to boil their water. Just the fact that they publish the safety of the water on the front page of her paper is enough to make me run to the Wal Mart for huge bottles of water to drink and to cook with. I wouldn't touch her tap water with a ten foot pole.
As a bonafide water snob, my absolute favorite is San Pelligrino, with Evian a close second. And I swear that one hot day in Paris, after tramping through Versailles in the heat, I was saved from a parched death by a small bottle of ice cold Perrier. I will forever be grateful to Perrier and think of that bright green bottle as a symbol of hope and world peace. Oh well, I am exaggerating. But it is true that at work I always have a bottle of water in front of me, and I know that drinking water helps me feel better. Even in church, the choir is encouraged to "hydrate the vocal chords", and we now take small bottles right into church with us. I think we all feel better and sing better, and we try not to be too obvious while we imbibe surrepticiously in our water of choice.
I especially appreciate true mineral water, not just the grocery store brand filtered water, hoping that I am getting some special benefit for the special price. Designer water tastes better. So I have now convinced myself that spending money on good tasting water is the smart thing to do. I no longer snicker at the yuppie carrying a bottle of water. Money spent on water is a lot better than spending money on many other things - like lottery tickets, cigarettes (horrors) or sodas and chips. I appreciate a restaurant that puts a nice bottle of water and glasses on the table for you. I'll even stick my neck way out and admit that I'd rather have water than wine any day. It costs a lot less, and its better for you! Such a deal!
So, Viva la France, viva la water. Drink more water and feel better fast!