I am having a ball with Fun Fur and other kinds of Eyelash yarn. They are on sale now for about $5 per skein of 72 yards or so, and it takes three skeins to make a scarf. Finding combinations of yarns to knit together makes for another whole look. I could stand for hours at the store looking at yarn. Knitting with this type of yarn is really fun and I am planning on making Christmas gifts of some of the scarves I make.
Recently, there are a lot more knitters! And there are hundreds of new types of yarn, a lot of it coming from Italy. The scarf craze of the past two years means that stores are carrying many more types of yarns, needles and knitting supplies. Suddenly, the aisles of the stores are full of women looking for yarn. I am overjoyed to see so many beginner knitters shopping for yarn. I am always ready to give advice or help when I am asked.
Scarves and shawls are easy to knit, and it is the combination of yarns that make the knitting interesting. I recently bought the September Vogue magazine to see if scarves and knit accessories are still the rage. They are. Hefting the magazine to read it almost hurt my arms. It is over 900 pages of glossy pictures and over an inch wide. I imagine the bindery folks jumped off the loading dock when they saw that coming. In fact, my magazine has several repeat pages, probably because of overtaxed binding machines. It is a wow of an issue!
Combining oatmeal colored eyelash yarn with an oatmeal cotton yarn, all in shades of black and beige, and using a seed stitch, I just finished my "oatmeal" scarf. Pictures to come. I finished the end of the scarf with ten rows of a different eyelash yarn in the same colors for a puffy edge to knot in front. Is this interesting to anyone else but me? Probably not. But it sure floats my boat. Maybe I should say "floats my boa".