Oh ho hum. Who wants to talk about life, when the Red Sox are winning! There are only two subjects worth thinking about right now: when am I going to get rid of this awful cold from hell, and the Red Sox.
I went to a meeting in downtown Boston this morning wearing my Red Sox sweatshirt jacket. I figured, if not now, when? So, I fit right in with the other folks who have caught Red Sox fever. The game was wonderful last night, Pedro did a great job of pitching, and it all went our way one more time. I heard a sportscaster say, "If the Red Sox are winning, how come nobody feels happy?"
Boston fans are incredibly proud of our team, but Boston fans have too many bad memories to erase to be naively happy. We are sophisticated happy. We are trying to figure out what elation feels like. Happy is a new idea, and needs some exploring before we will give in to it. We are not at all like St. Louis fans. We are not clean and neat and our hair is not recently barbered and blonde. We don't sing country songs, or wear bright fright wigs, or sit with our cute knit hats and gloves on and clap like ladies. We stand up, stamp our feet, yell till we are hoarse, shout, boo, pound on the walls, get Red Sox tatoos and let our hair grow into dreads--and a few of us even push a few cars over after games for good measure (ouch). We are NOT about to sit back and be polite like those St. Louis fans. Did you see their faces last night? Pure dejection. That is a feeling that Boston knows well, but even facing loss, our fans still liven the place up with shouts and boos. For sure you are going to hear from Boston fans. They will not go down politely.
In fact, we are not going to go down at all. Sox RULE!!!