I guess you could say that I am pretty excited about going to Oklahoma on Thursday. Leaving all this snow behind is certainly going to be a good thing. I have no idea what will happen when we get another 4" which is forecast for tomorrow. People are still digging out their cars.
When I am in Oklahoma I do a lot of cooking for my mom, and since Wal-Mart has pretty much replaced every other store in that part of the country, I make a lot of trips out to the huge Wal-Mart superstore. Everything they buy, from groceries to underwear to lawn furniture, comes from Wal-Mart. It is too bad, but you can't seem to get away from it. Lots of people in that small town work at Wal-Mart too and they have a least two (very pleasant) elder citizens greeting at every door. The benches inside and outside the store are full of people sitting for a spell and happily visiting and catching up on the news. Wal-Mart is America's new main street.
The weather will be mild, in the 50s and 60s. I am still packing and unpacking, trying to not take too much as I change my mind about what I will need. Jeans, cardigans and pj's is about it, but you would think I was going to Europe on the Queen Mary the way I can pack. Too bad I can't take a steamer trunk, I would be in heaven! I would be the lady on the dock in the big hat, with three hat boxes, two steamer trunks and a couple of afghan hounds. It seems such a shame to leave something behind!
I made a nice breakfast for George (and me) this morning: scrambled eggs with cheese, When Pigs Fly whole wheat toast, turkey bacon and grape juice. He has "visitors" at work today which means a long involved day for him. We won't be hungry today!
Have a healthy happy day and enjoy the weather, whatever it may be. Yeehaw.