After 15 years at the same organization, my job ends tomorrow. I am going to turn my attention to a few other ideas for the near future. First, I have two weeks of vacation to look forward to: a week-long stay at the cabin, and a trip to the Airforce Museum in Dayton punctuated by four nights with Michael and Michelle at their new house. Then, I am going to add exercise into my daily schedule, and no matter what, take a nice long walk each day. I'm going to build up my jewelry business now that I have more time, and I have lots of ideas for improving my Ebay Store, sending out newsletters, and I will have lots more time to make beautiful jewelry. I have a lot of ideas for jewelry, and not enough time to make them all happen. It is a big light in my life to have happy customers. What a great way to meet new people, and hopefully spread some "glitter" around.
Change is good. I look forward to changes. Maybe it is because I am older than I was (aren't we all?) but I am not afraid of the unknown anymore. I know that somehow I will land in a job that I enjoy, and that my path will take me to new places and new friends. I am an optimist, happy to say.
Have a great day, and enjoy the open roads.