I think Sunday mornings must be relaxing for some people. Not for me. Since I committed to teaching Sunday School, Sunday mornings start early and end late. I really love teaching the kids, and the class prep materials are well done and easy to follow. Our church was having trouble getting people to be teachers. I didn't plan to be a sunday school teacher, but they asked me to commit for a month, and I taught the first Sunday and loved it. I asked to be put on full time. I believe I shocked them. Teaching Sunday School means you have to be at church every Sunday, and you have homework. I don't mind. They children are happy and eager to be in class and I love to be there with them.
I'm busy this morning getting the craft materials together (bookmarks today) and getting to church early for bell practice. The bell choir is playing "Beautiful Savior" as the prelude today, and I really love this piece because I play almost every note with one bell or the other. It is fun to play, and we play it well. We will be finished with Sunday School cleanup about 12:30 and will stop at Panera's for coffee and a delicious bagel.
Have a great day.