George and I had a great time at Bead and Button this year. He plunged right in, and visited booths, attended the demos, talked to people, found interesting things to share with me and generally enjoyed the whole experience. I was thrilled! I had more fun this year than ever before. George was there to help me carry things, and never once did he encourage me to stop whipping out my credit card. This year I went with a plan, and I knew the booths that I wanted to visit. My impulse purchases were very few (always
fun though). I took a great class with Katie Hacker while George took a much needed nap, and we had a couple of good meals; Benihana and Mader's German restaurant -- a must visit in Milwaukee! The inspiration that I came home with will carry me well through a year of jewelry design. I can't wait to get started. Here are the pictures: