It would not feel right for me to go on talking about flowers and fiber without talking about my other passionate past time...
Everquest. I am Elfauna Eaglewing, Lady of the Karanas, and Ranger of 54 levels.
Loral Ciriclight, in RL, is my son....and we are both officers of
Healers United, a guild on the Quellious server. See for stories that are magnificently crafted by Michael Shea, the writer who is becoming quite formidable at his skill. Everquest has opened up a whole new world to me. I started playing after Mike bought me the first powerful computer (he has now bought me three of these wonderful monsters) and the game and helped me set it up. I was a slow beginner, and it took me a lot of trials to learn how to use the interface. I had never played any computer interactive roleplaying game, and all those who play by my side, and know me as Elfauna, know that things do not come easily to me. For 3 years, I have spend some part of most days at the keyboard, living the life of a Ranger, helping to fight the evil foes, and help all who come to me for help in the lands of Norrath.
If you do not know Everquest, it will be hard for you to understand how important this world can become. If you want some idea of what I am talking about, see Loral Ciriclights stories, which he tells so well. He alone has put into words the love of adventure of thousands of people who log on every day, who live the story, but find it hard to put it into written words.
In real life (RL) knitting, crafting, being with my soul mate, my family...all are very important to me. But, also very important to me is my character Elfauna, who displays in another world many of the qualities that I find most valuable as a human being in the world we life in. Patience, kindness, willingness to help others....these are all displayed by me and others every evening as I connect with my guild mates, Healers United, and make some of the best friends I have ever had in my life. I have friends all over the world because of Everquest. These friends are as important to me as if they lived next door to me. Many of us email. Some of us even fall in love and get married. It is an amazing world that we "live" in. Michael and I play together and talk every night on the phone because of Everquest. It is a world that I am so fortunate to know and love and hopefully I will be here, sitting at my keyboard in the den, living the life of Elfauna the Ranger of the Karanas, for many years to come. More about Elf's adventures coming up.
:0 Eeeeep
/waves to her friends in EQ